Module 3

Taking Your 1st Steps

It’s science, not magic. There is no magical wand that exists to fix enterprise inefficiencies, and access to the technology is not enough. AI adoption necessitates a thoughtful approach. Introducing The FLAI Wheel Framework; your playbook and  step-by-step guide to transform your AI aspirations into actionable, impactful projects. From hypothesizing value to full-scale deployment. In four core steps.

But first, consider this sobering statistic from Harvard Business Review: “80 percent of AI projects fail due to a lack of data or understanding of data.”  Data is the fuel for AI. That is why it’s going to be the essential component of your first steps. You’re not going to have any artificial intelligence anywhere in your business unless you have good, clean, relevant, and validated data that you can use to feed all of the different artificial intelligence technologies in your enterprise. Providing this high-quality fuel is your highest priority. The question is how? Let’s begin…

Course Details


Joanne Eriaku


Beginner – Intermediate


3.5 Hours


Self Guided + Coaching Hours

Course Content

The FLAI Wheel Framework: An Introduction.

Introducing the four core steps of the FLAI Wheel Framework. Your step-by-step guide designed to streamline your AI aspiration to implementation to ensure successful outcomes.

♦ 20 minutes

Value Hypothesis: Core Step 1

AI can be many things to many people. Don’t try to boil the ocean—start with the specific business value you aim to achieve. Focus on what matters most to your organization’s unique mission, operations, balance sheet, and ecosystem. Choose the business value you want to magnify through AI and let that guide your strategy.

’ ♦ 15 minutes

Use Case Prioritization: Core Step 2

With value hypothesis as your north star, identify the AI use cases with the stronger potential to deliver the maximum benefit in that value. There are hundreds of AI use cases across sectors and every organization will have niche variants, challenges, and opportunities.

We will cover the 24 Key considerations like operating model disruptions and impact on key P&L line items that guide use case selection. 

♦ 30 minutes

Preparation and Training: Core Step 3

Modernizing your information architecture involves several key sub steps. In this lesson we give you the lay of the land. A comprehensive guide to the preparation before the deployment.

♦ 15 minutes

Modernizing Your Information Architecture: Sub-Step A

Modernizing information architecture involves updating and enhancing how your company organizes, manages, and utilizes data. It’s like renovating the foundation of your data systems to make them more efficient, flexible, and capable of supporting your business goals. Through a real company case study, we’ll explore the practical steps of modernizing your information architecture. This narrative will detail the data challenges faced by a company similar to yours, with names and identifying information removed, offering a peer-level perspective on overcoming these obstacles. ♦ 15 minutes

Data Collection: Sub-Step B

Regardless of where it lives or in what form it is, how do we unlock the data that’s been held captive in disparate siloed systems? How do we access our most valuable commodity? ♦ 15 minutes

Data Organization: Sub-Step C

Data is the bread and butter of AI and the quality of that data directly affects the results of the organization’s AI. Organizations need their data to be organized, cataloged, and governed to ensure that only the people who should be able to access it have the appropriate access rights.

To understand why it’s important to organize and catalog data, an analogy of a grocery store is useful. When you go to a grocery store, all of the products are sorted by aisle and each aisle has a list of categories hanging overhead. If a grocery store was simply a room filled with thousands of products, it would have less value to its shoppers. Shoppers would waste time looking for products they would not be organized in a logical way.

Data is the same. ♦ 15 minutes

Data Analysis: Sub-Step D

Once you’ve organized your data into a trusted unified view, it’s time to start leveraging it. You can now tap into it. How do you make sure it’s not biased? It’s explainable, it’s transparent. ♦ 15 minutes

Deploy: Core Step 4

Finally, it’s time to deploy…Basically put it to work. Use cases such as AI powered customer care chatbots, scanning large bodies of documents to provide summaries for knowledge workers, and gaining insights for marketing data, are just a few of the examples of what it means to deploy the AI model.

Within a controlled environment, deploy, test learn, repeat. Reevaluate performance, risk and governance ahead of a wider rollout. Identify any proprietary data and potential modifications needed for your tools to enable maximum scalability and differentiated benefit for the organization. ♦ 20 minutes

What’s Included

3.5 Hrs of Video Instruction

18 Business Tools

12 Source Files

Your Gain

  • You will gain a solid, jargon-free understanding of how to transition from aspiration to action in deploying AI in your organization. This includes a comprehensive grasp of how to utilize AI to transform your business operations effectively.

  • Gain a deep understanding of how to deploy AI in your organization. You will be equipped with practical frameworks necessary to leverage the full potential of AI, enhancing your ability to strategically harness AI tools to improve efficiencies, cut costs, provide customer insights, and generate new product ideas.

  • Develop the ability to prioritize and evaluate use cases through the lenses of business, technical, and ethical due diligence. Specifically, you will learn to anticipate potential downstream consequences and weigh the ethical, legal, workforce, and social implications of AI.

  • Engage in group Action Learning Projects with feedback from Learning Coaches. These projects are designed to address real business problems within the context of your job and organization, providing hands-on experience and practical application of the concepts learned.

School of AI Readiness

The 6 Week Masterclass that provides the answer to the question

 “What Do I Need To Do To Make Sure I Don’t Just Survive But Thrive In This New World of AI”.

Built specifically by and for small to medium enterprises making 6-8 figures annually. It delivers a complete framework for transforming a good organization into a great AI-Ready organization.

The mission is to move executives from confusion to clarity, from vulnerable to prepared.